Sunday, July 1, 2012


there are those times when things r just not limited to one's capabilities. way beyond that lies the mirage of self assurance & promises.the whirlpool in between sucks in the sanity & all what remains is a limbo.the feeling of loosing it creeps in when one watches his soul being affected.all i wish is to be there; may be just a hug or a little kiss or just the comforting silence holding hands.

the person whom i hate the most is pseudo-me because i cant recognize him. the other side is a mechanical robot whom this side is controlling- or is it the other way round? i don't know what it is really worth for.i want to live the life of pseudo me. i hate myself doing what i don't know ,

then there is melancholy present times. the futile assurance of rosy future, the dreams of love & then the slap of realistic present--its all what it is all about.there is a price for everything.i don't know for what i am paying.

i wish i could have more some capabilities to soothe n lit up a smile...

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