Tuesday, July 7, 2009


in past 3 years, there is one thing which keeps on repeating in my life.at any point of time there is a chaotic mixing of my thoughts,deeds,life style,anectodes,brands i use,my hangouts and what all and what not.i don't understand if it is a mere coincidence or analogy or is it simply a big WTF??whatever it is i dont know how 2 express it.it is confusing,utter frustating but at the same time gives me some kind of flavour.

a recent thing that has happened to me is i am getting addicted to a specific brand of fruit juice -tropicana twister.oh great old monk!! please dont feel insecure.i still worship and adore you.i am so jobless and out of creativity that i am writing these shit loads...duh!!!!

one more year and i am going to graduate as an engineer.its time to feel proud and pat my back.i at times wonder that we will all graduate as some textual engineers with some blunt classroom teachings and sarcasms of our education system.we will be called as pillars of progress of human civilisation..damn it man!!!anyways we will all join in showing our white teeth wearing our black coats and throwing our black hat with a tail high up in the air.cheers to that!!!

nothing gets better when you come back home after being technically challenged for one more tiring semester and then being treated as a kiddo.good food, compliments fake warmth all around.however the comfort of being in my own city beats all this.i just enjoy being in kolkata.the smell of this city mesmerishes me.from my childhood i am a dedicated fan of pseudo bengali intellectualism and this city is the place where i can experience and enjoy it.

finally , thank you!!

(p.s- last line is from personal jesus)


Suvankar said...
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Suvankar said...

great, just grest